Letters to Parents


You should have received a letter for EOTC week, ICT agreement form and Parent Interview letter. You should find these on the website if you have not received them.

EOTC Week Discovery Syndicate    

Ocean Sports
10 (start)-11.30
Ngati Toa Treasures
1.00-2.00 *
Adrenalin Forest
Lunch Aotea Lagoon
H20 Aquatic Centre
Whole Syndicate
National Arts Festival 

History Bus Tour

Whole Syndicate
Battle Hill

Ocean Sports  
12.00(arrive) 12.30(start)- 2.00
Ngati Toa Treasures
10.00-11.00 *
Adrenalin Forest
Lunch Aotea Lagoon
H20 Aquatic Centre
History Bus Tour
History Bus Tour
Ocean Sports
10 (start)-11.30
Ngati Toa Treasures
1.00-2.00 *
Adrenalin Forest
Porirua Aquatic Centre
History Bus Tour
Ocean Sports
Ocean Sports 
12.00(arrive) 12.30(start)- 2.00
Ngati Toa Treasures
10.00-11.00 *
Adrenalin Forest
Porirua Aquatic Centre

Discovery Syndicate ( If you did not receive this letter then we do not have your emails. If this is the case please contact your class teacher. Thank you)

5 February

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
To all Year 5 parents and those of you who have just moved to Discovery School, welcome to Discovery Syndicate. To all other parents, welcome back.  We hope you have enjoyed your summer and had time for some rest and relaxation with your children.

The Christmas break has seen a few changes to our team. We are very pleased to welcome Helene Robinson.  She has recently moved to Whitby from Auckland with her husband and we feel very lucky to have her, with her wealth of experience, in our team. Mrs Michele Saunders also joins our team.  She will be in a part-time role, releasing Tam Dullabh. 

We are looking forward to a great year and an exciting first term with EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) planned for Week 7.



This will come home in Week 3, on Monday 16th February.
 A letter accompanying the homework, explains the format for this year.  A sheet detailing the requirements of the Science project will follow in the next fortnight. We will also be discussing the homework requirements at the Syndicate Information evening next Tuesday 10th February at 8pm.


Appropriate Clothing

Students need to have their sunhats and drink bottles every day during Term 1.  They also need appropriate footwear and clothing for P.E., as we will be running every day in preparation for Athletics sports later in the term.


Parent Help

If you are available to parent help with your child’s class in the library at library time, please could you contact your child’s teacher.
Internet Permission
Sometime, in the first week of school,  you will receive an Internet Contract that needs to be completed with your child.  Please could you return it to school as soon as possible, as we want to get students using computers as soon as possible.  Thanks in anticipation.

Newspapers and Magazines
If you have any old newspapers or magazines that you no longer require, we would appreciate them for use in our art programme


EOTC –16th-20th March (Wk. 7)

EOTC will be approximately $100-$110.  We do not require any payment at present as bookings still need to be finalised.  You will receive more information concerning this in the next few weeks and at the Information Evening.


Term Programme:

This outline gives the main areas of the curriculum which we will be covering this term.


Advanced Numeracy Project /Addition, Subtraction and Place Value.
Geometry (Shape and Space)



·         Writing- establishing the writing process with a focus on myths and legends and places in New Zealand

·         Develop an awareness of book presentation

·         Comprehension strategies- with a focus on self-monitoring when reading.


Social Sciences: Tuarangawaewae- A Place to Stand

English: Myths and Legends and places around New Zealand (writing and reading)

Maori: About me- Mihi and a bus trip around the local area, looking at the history and development of the area

Visual Art: Cultural Art

Drama:   Exploring drama conventions through Myths, Legends and Stories



Athletics– Run, Jump, Throw




The EOTC week will run from 16th-20th  March

The programme will include:
  • Porirua Day – a visit to Adrenaline Forest and the pool. (still to be confirmed)
  • History bus trip
  • A day in Wellington – Capital E National Arts Festival
  • Battle Hill Farm Park –outdoor fun
  • Ocean Sports and Ngati Toa Treasures (Te Papa) to be confirmed
We will need lots of parent involvement during this week and would appreciate support with transport and supervision.

Dates to Remember
Syndicate Information Evening -10th February 8pm
EOTC Week -16th-20th March
Goal Setting Interviews:- 9th & 11th March
Senior Athletics- 10th March  pp 12th March, ppp 13th March

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yvonne Thomson/Kelly Etevenaux                                 Sara Watchorn
yt@discovery.school.nz                                                sw@discovery.school.nz

Tam Dullabh/Michele Saunders                                    Helene Robinson
ms@discovery.school.nz                                                hr@discovery.school.nz


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