Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Excellent Recount Battle Hill

Battle Hill

As I hear the gravel going against the tyres I know we are here. Battle hill. When the car is parked we all jump out and have a look around. Kaleb, Nicholas, Sam, Alexander and I see our classmates on a giant tractor.
We also see a big wool shed. The wood on this woolshed was old and rotted. Then the teacher calls out “ Everyone come and sit on the tarp !” Kids come rushing past us and we are nearly swept off our feet. About 15 minutes later, we start the activities. My group are doing a scavenger hunt. We start off by running down the track to the graveyard. We don’t do much. The stuff is way too hard to find. After the scavenger hunt we have morning tea. Then we have the a tour of the park with the ranger. He shows us around. We eventually get to a paddock full of sheep.
The ranger says that the sheep have been getting a disease but I can’t remember the name though. He said that the sheep would just fall over, randomly. But he also said that he couldn’t really do anything about it. And he would just have to wait for them to heal themselves.
Then he showed us around the wool shed. He showed us some traps to catch pests.
One of them looks like a box with some wire on the sides. Then he showed us what happens inside. There was some bait to lure them in. Then they would walk in and… BANG ! Part of the
trap went down. I think it crushed the animals head or something. Not very nice. So he put his apple in there, and it got crushed. The time was around 2 : 20 pm.

Everyone got in their car and went back to school. On the way to school, we got ice - blocks from New World.

                                  Battle hill was awesome.                            The end.
By William

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