Sea Turtles

When sea turtles grow up to be adults they lay eggs. They lay 1,000 eggs in a nest, and average between two to eight nests a season. Sea turtles can be found in all oceans apart from polar region. There are seven species of sea turtles that are alive right now.The seven species are the green, loggerhead, Kemp's ridley, olive ridley ,hawksbill, flatback, and leatherback.
How Long it Takes for the Eggs to Hatch?
Sea turtles eggs hatch at south quicker about 70 days, and in the north a bit slower-around 90-120 days. Once the eggs hatch only around 10% of them survive. Loggerheads and green eggs hatch in about 45-55 days. Leatherback eggs take a bit longer, reaching upwards of 70-80 days, sometimes longer. A natural or in situ nest will have a hatching success rate of 80-100%, while a relocated nest will have a hatching success rate of 60-70%.
Turtles were originated in the Jurassic times. They are amazing survivors because they survived in with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are some of the most dangerous animals ever and tiny little turtles survived them. The Jurassic turtles are old species and the species are called Astrochelys, Bashuchelys, Condorchelys, Eileanchelys Kayentachelys. So you should now know that sea-turtles and turtles are pretty epic if you ask me. 
How Long do Turtles Survive?
Sea turtles can live a long time and some of them can live more than 150 years, depending on the species. Scientists are not sure how long sea turtles live, but they may outlive humans. Females of some species may reach 35 or more years of age before reproducing.
Wow some interesting facts there - you all did some great research !